
Season 10, Episode 13

Unboxings don’t really work so well on the radio at the following link.

I want to point out a specific caller we’ve had rather regularly on the show. Wmatthew calls in and either brings up something we’ve completely missed during the week or adds exceptionally to the conversation of whatever we’re talking about. His call this week was to address the PS4.5. His speculation of going the way of Apple’s iPhone releases is an interesting one and it’s going to take some time to see how this plays out. I can’t figure out if I would like a release schedule like that or not. Skipping every other generation, be it the new number or the point 5 version of it. I also can’t tell if it’s a smart move or not. Again, time will decide on this whole thing, but I imagine with how fast PC’s are outpacing consoles, they’ve got to have something in plan just to keep up.

Console generations are about to get a lot shorter.

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