
Season 10, Episode 50

We’re settling down for a short winter’s nap at the following link.

The show so nice we’re playing it twice. Consider this our Christmas episode. Which is easy to do considering the audio we used. So yeah, this show will also be our show for next week. We’re off to do the Christmas thing so we won’t have a new show for you next week but we will return on New Year’s Eve for our year end wrap up and what we have to look forward to in 2017. Speaking of, we’d like to hear from you on your highs and lows of gaming for 2016 and what you’re most looking forward to in 2017. Call in for that episode or email us your lists to be read on the air!

As for this episode, we stick our toe in the waters of the PC vs Console debate with Carson who calls in. If you’re expecting a straight winner here – there isn’t one. Not from us anyway. We easily concede to the PC’s power, its numerous strengths and very little weaknesses, but we also don’t limit ourselves to being trapped in a corner. Arkham Knight taught us better than that. Pricing on newer games and the community to find them playing also points us in different directions. The thing is, we have our reasons for where we all game and it almost always comes down to convenience over anything else on offer. If it puts us in front of our PC or in our beds with our consoles, then so be it.

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