
Season 13, Episode 02

We totally landed on the moon at the following link.

First, an apology. There’s a phone call in this episode that went a little off the rails for us, and I didn’t feel it was handled as well as it could have been. It’s my job to do that, and it wasn’t done, so I apologize.

Second, here’s my quick take on the Bungie and Activision split: whatever. I play a TON of Destiny, but when I play it, when I think about it, when I talk about it, when I buy it – I’ve never considered Activision in the mix. My complaints with Destiny, my quibbles, my frustrations, my nitpicks – none of them lay at the feet of Activision. And for that matter, my praises of the games and the reasons I keep coming back – everything I know of this game is on Bungie. So it doesn’t matter to me that they now fully own and self-publish their game. It may speak a lot to the upcoming content, perhaps, but it’s still not gonna tighten up the graphics on level three. That’s a Bungie thing and nothing that Activision was keeping them from doing.

If the team at Bungie is happy to be free of that company, then I’m happy for them, sure, but do I feel like some wave of gaming improvement with Destiny is about to wash over us players? Not a bit. If anything, the machine will just keep going. They’ll make more game, and I’ll happily keep playing it.

The cycle continues.

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